Hello, I'm Ivan.

UX/Visual Designer, and front-end developer with a 15-year track record based in Canada.

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NDA Projects

A summary of projects completed under NDA, focused on platform design, UX solutions and visual design.

New Project in progress

A brand new innovative solution is coming soon.

Kiddo Mobile App

How to bridge the communication gap between parents and teachers at the daycare centers?

Black Belt Taekwondo

How to enhance website's mobile experience and increase brand awareness?

Doxim inc.

How to improve website's user experience and adjust elements to meet the accessibility standards?

Foodie Express App

How to enhance the mobile application's usability for customers who have food allergies?

UI Challenge

Collection of UI exploration guaranteed to make customers go "Wowzers!" while some of the UI might make developers sob quietly into their keyboards.

CRM Dashboard

The CRM dashboard design improved customer data management with a user-friendly interface.

Event Landing Page

The project refreshes the Doxim event landing page to improve promotion and boost conversions.

Jelly Belly Sorting Game

The project involved designing the UI for a two-player game to discard misshapen Jelly Belly beans.