Dumb way to die
The track "Dumb Ways to Die" was initially aimed to promote train safety through an animated video by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Australia. Unexpectedly, the campaign went viral on social media upon its release in November 2012. The song cleverly utilizes humor to reflect societal mishaps. Personally, the song had an infectious quality that kept it playing endlessly on my music players for months. Each listen evokes memories of the unique characters featured in the video. As a designer, I had the idea to mix bits of my daily life into my designs. I got inspired and imagined creating a set of letters inspired by the characters I loved from the song. It was my way of celebrating the fun and lively vibe of the song.
As part of a personal project, I love diving into the distinct details of characters. I aimed to incorporate these elements into a set of letters, so I found myself revisiting the video repeatedly. I closely observed the animation, figuring out how each character's traits could mesh into individual letter designs that matched their original colors, shapes, and essence. I'm thrilled to say the letters turned out just as I expected! Although it's a display typeface designed for a specific purpose, it's exactly what I envisioned.