
2014 RGD Student Award Finalist
2014 Graphic Design Winner on Creative Quarterly CFE 36

I mixed architectural illustrations and infographics to explain product details imaginatively in this project. It wasn't just about showing things; I wanted to take people into a world where how products work met imagination. I tried to illustrate a lively image, making it easier to understand how these things functioned by adding imaginative elements. This approach made the techie stuff more understandable and fun for the audiences checking it out.

My initial film camera was a Ricoh. I delved into the menu of its features, researching to ensure that the creative aspects aligned closely with what the camera offered. However, I also recognized the importance of illustrating the basic functionalities of the infographic.

When it comes to a designer's essential tool - an external hard drive, I like to push the boundaries of my imagination. This product doesn't need detailed technical instructions for its operation. It's about self-storage, conveying the concept simply. It's similar to plugging in a USB cable to access files stored on an external hard drive and moving between folders.