Bean Sorting Game

The project involved creating the UI design for the Jelly Belly Bean Sorting Game, a multi-touch game that enables two players to participate simultaneously. The objective of the game is for players to drag misshapen jelly beans, referred to as belly flops, from a virtual conveyor belt displayed on the screen and drop them into a hopper receptacle where they are permanently discarded.


UI Designer


Project Manager


2 Months


I had the opportunity to collaborate with Embreate, an interdisciplinary agency based in Toronto, on a UI design project for Jelly Belly Candy Company. Working alongside their creative directors and developers was an absolute pleasure and a delightful experience.

UI Kit

Game UI

See how people interact with the game

Do you want to see how people interact with the game? Please check out Embreate's Instagram or click the link below:
[Video 01] [Video 02] [Video 03]